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DLDX-2600型 双片调整全自动钉箱机

发布日期:2019-11-15 14:19:44 访问次数:3644

DLDX-2600型 双片调整全自动钉箱机
大纸张尺寸(A+B)*2 (mm)Max.paper size   2600
小纸张尺寸(A+B)2Min.paper size   920
大纸箱长A mm Max.carton length   760
小纸箱长A mm Min.cartong length   260
大纸箱宽B mm Max.cartong width   460
小纸箱宽B mm Max.cartong width   200
大纸张高(C+D+C)(mm)Max.paper height   800
小纸张高 (C+D+C)(mm)Min.paper height   210
大摇盖尺寸C(mm)Max rock cover   300
小摇盖尺寸C(mm)Min rock cover   5
大高度D(mm)Max.high   800
小高度D(mm)Min.high   200
大钉舌宽度(mm)Max width of the tongue   40
钉距mm Nailing From   30-120
钉数Number of Nails   0-99
打钉速度(次/min)Stitching Speed   600
机器重量(T)weight   10T


电气配置   品牌
机关伺服电机   日本安川
送纸伺服电机   日本安川
PLC光电形状及接近   欧姆龙
接触器、断路器   施耐德
机头减速机   利明
中间继电器   施耐德
钉头整组   台湾
气缸、电磁阀   亚德克
触摸屏   威纶
刀片   德国合金钨钢制作
底摸   德国合金钨钢制作
齿轮减速机   东特或中大
蜗轮蜗杆减速机   真誉
轴承   NSK
胶轮和太阳轮   台湾超耐


Uses and characteristics
1.It is easy and simple to operate automatic monotony by computer.
2.The whole control system uses PLC control system,touch screen man-machine interface,easy to operate
3.Paper feeding part adopts vacuum absorptiong leading edge belt to ensure the skew of carton part
4.The whole set of nail heads importer from Taiwan with a mechanical speed of 600 nails per minuter;
5.The nail spacing can be adjusted arbitrarily from 30 mm to 120 mm.
6.Single nail/double nail/ one-time completion,can meet the different reqrirements of different customers for nail species;
7.Applicable to three,five and seven layers of corrugated cardboard(special instructions for seven layers)
8.Changging the size of cartons and adjusting the nail spacing of cartons can be completer in only a few minutes,which greatly saves time and is easy to operater.